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Book cover of While the Canary Sings. A yellow canary with wings stretchedout.

“This runs congruent with many of our school’s values and teachings. This is an incredible resource to start building these principles and understandings.”

— Alessandro,

Founder of Guided Light Healing




What do you do when life as you know it ends?

Cancer. Divorce. Job loss. Natural Disaster.

When life brings you to your knees, how do you find the strength to get up?  

How do you learn to disregard unwarranted fear yet, in a split second, decide whether to fight back, duck, or run for cover?



While the Canary Sings!
By DiAnne Berry

Get a copy of


While the Canary Sings!

Secrets to bringing resilience, sustainable life skills, confidence, and peace home amidst life's storms.


and find out.

Not Crazy: Confessions of a Closet Empath

Not Crazy: Confessions of a Closet Empath


  • Are you so sensitive to your surroundings that it feels overwhelming?

  • Have you felt ill for no reason?

  • Do you check the emotional temperature of a room before stepping through the door?

  • Do you have a close connection with animals or plants?

  • Do you know things about others without them having to tell you?

  • Have you been told that you are too sensitive? 


If you frequently experience any of these you may be an unskilled empath. 


For the unskilled empath, the above is just the way they experience life. They don’t understand that they are at risk of being totally bombarded, blindsided, and overwhelmed by emotions, agendas, thoughts, and actions that aren’t even theirs.


By following the guidance in Not Crazy Confessions of a Closet Empath to become skilled, the empath can recognize what emotions, physical symptoms, and even thoughts are and are not their own. They learn ways to clear themselves of unwanted energy, release what is not theirs, and gain control of what has been until now an overwhelming life.

Not Crazy: Discovery Journal

Not Crazy: Discovery Journal

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